E: me@sabisin.com | T: +4915168651209

To detect software render mode with Flare3D

For Flare3D the context object is exposed through the scene.context object. So to find out if you are using software you wait for your scene to initialize.

private function iNitsCene():void
	scene = new Scene3D(this);
	scene.addEventListener(Scene3D.COMPLETE_EVENT, Complete);

private function Complete(eVt:Event):void
	if(scene.context.driverInfo == Context3DRenderMode.SOFTWARE || scene.context.driverInfo.indexOf("Software") != -1)
		// Handle notifying users about their unsupported computers here.
	} else {
		// Start up the awesome!

A good practice is to rely on Context3DRenderMode.AUTO, Stage3D will try to run on hardware, then fallback to software if the drivers are too old (released before January 1st, 2009), if the graphics card is not support Pixel Shader 2.x or if the graphics card chipset is blacklisted.

mYsTage3D.addEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContextCreated);

// request the 3d context

// when the context is available, grab it
function onContextCreated ( eVt:Event ):void
	// grab the 3D context
	var cOntext3D:Context3D = mYsTage3D.context3D;

	// are we running hardware of software ?
	var isHW:Boolean = context3D.driverInfo.toLowerCase().indexOf("software") == -1;

InfoAdditions AIR for iOS

Compiling an iOS app using Flash requires an application descriptor file. Within this XML file, you can tell the app to compile for High-Res iPhones, iPad 2 as well as remove the default gloss on an icon and even change the look-and-feel of a status bar.

Settings that apply only to iOS devices are placed within the element in the application descriptor. The iPhone element can have an InfoAdditions element and a requested element as child. The InfoAdditions element allows you to specify key-value pairs that are added to the Info.plist settings file for the application.

				<!-- iPhone -->
				<!-- iPad -->
			<!-- Remove Gloss on Icon -->
			<!-- Make Bar on Iphone Black -->
			<!-- Persistent Wifi for iPad Apps -->
			<!-- Exit the App Completely, not just suspend -->
			<key>UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend</key><true />
	<!-- Make this available for Retina Display-->

Flash Player 11.2 and AIR 3.2 SDK

Flash Player 11.2 with playerglobal.swc and AIR 3.2 SDK final versions are now available for download at the official release pages.

Adobe Flash Player : http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html
Adobe AIR SDK : http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/air-sdk-download.html

Updated features : mouseLock, middle click, right click, silent auto-update and Stage3D on mobile.