There are times when you have a Flash application, and you’d like that Flash application to access the files in your Google Cloud Storage, but we all know that accessing Google Cloud Storage files would violate cross-domain policies. Now, Google owns the domain which means we can’t exactly change their crossdomain.xml, however, they do give each bucket a subdomain which means that we can have our own crossdomain.xml specified!
Here’s what you have to know:
Domains in terms of cross domain policies are sensitive to subdomains, so has its own crossdomain policy (or none at all). However, does not exist which means we cannot override that crossdomain policy. That’s the annoyance.
However, rejoice, because exists, all you have to do is upload a crossdomain.xml policy to the root of your bucket directory, and then always access files in your Flash application using the above domain.
Note:… will not work because it is a different sub domain, and therefore different cross domain policies.
Make sure you do the following inside your Flash application: